Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Japanese Artist Arrested For Making 3D Printout of Her Lady Parts

It's true a Japanese artist was arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police on obscenity charges after distributing online the 3D printout plans for her lady parts.

Japan's morality squad must have have found themselves in a rather curious conundrum:  By the print out for their personal use  or slap on the metal bracelets.

The arrest of a Tokyo artist on obscenity charges for distributing data that allowed recipients to make 3-D prints of her vagina has sparked protests over what supporters say is an attack on free expression.
Megumi Igarashi, 42, who calls herself Rokudenashi-ko (“a no-good girl”), had been trying to raise funds online to pay for the construction of a kayak, using a 3-D printer, modeled on the shape of her genitals.
Japan has a vibrant pornography industry that caters to a vast array of tastes, but obscenity laws forbid the depiction of actual genitalia, which usually appear censored or blurred in images and videos.
The artist - who has created other genital-inspired artworks - was arrested Saturday for “distributing data that could create an obscene shape through a 3-D printer,” a police spokesman said.
While at the same time anyone a purchase a manga depicting underaged girls being sexually abused because that's art.

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