Saturday, April 2, 2016

Should An Idiot Become President of the United States?

An Update:

At a campaign event in the American state of Wisconsin Donald "I know nothing" Trump felt compelled to enlighten the world with his ideas about a possible armed conflict between North Korea and Japan.

the Republican presidential frontrunner said that if conflict between Japan and nuclear-armed North Korea were to break out, “it would be a terrible thing but if they do, they do”.
“Good luck,” he added. “Enjoy yourself, folks.” 

If it wasn't clear from I wrote earlier it certainly is now. Donald Trump should never be allowed near any elected position power. Especially the presidency where he'd in gulf America and the world in war because of his stupidity, immaturity,  ego and narcissism.

This week the Reality TV. star masquerading as a presidential candidate showed the world just how little he understands the consequences of his foreign policy positions.

Following the end of World War II with Europe in political and economic duress President Harry Truman and his Secretary of State George Marshall proposed the formation of a military alliance which would protect Western Europe from Soviet military adventurism. Thus NATO was formed, while not perfect it has proven over its history to have been stabilizing  force.  Enter Donald Trump and his misguided foreign policy positions. During an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper he proclaimed that NATO was obsolete.  NATO has been seen as deterrent to further military adventurism by Vladimir Putin into countries of the former Warsaw Pact.  

Trump followed that blunder by making an even bigger one when he stated America should withdraw its military forces from South Korea and Japan.  His reasoning is that two of America's strongest allies should pay for the privilege of having American forces stationed in their respective countries.  If they don't pay this protection they can develop and deploy nuclear weapons.  He states it as if he's running a mafia protection racket.  Nuclear weapons in Japan?

Japan being the only country to ever have these afwal weapons used in anger against it one might imagine there's a rather strong aversion to ever having nuclear weapons. Like, 90% of the public being against having them.

If America did withdraw its forces from South Korea its government would be forced to consider developing these weapons given the threat posed by North Korea.  For 70 years American governments from both political parties have worked overtime in their efforts to keep the Korean peninsula from becoming a nuclear hot spot. Even if the Korean military decided against nuclear weapons the removal of American forces from the country would lead to an arms race in Northeast Asia an outcome that America would rather avoid.  Then there's Russia and China to consider. Would they want both Koreas and Japan to have nuclear arms capability?  It's a scenario both of those governments would choose not to contemplate.

America's Reality TV star has no business being President of the United States as he's incapable of dealing in with the world in a rational and realistic manner.  He'd allow his ego to overtake him in a crisis and the world would be at war.


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