Thursday, February 14, 2019

Trump says he'll sign spending deal on border security, declare national emergency

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell has announced that Donald Trump will sigh the compromise government spending bill and then declare a national emergency at the U.S. Southern border.   What began as an applause line, somehow morphed into a wall at the U.S. Mexico border which Mexico would pay for to one which the U.S. tax payer will now foot the bill.  The wall is unnecessary and won't halt migrants attempting to reach the U.S.  That isn't the point.  Donald Trump who, upon announcing his candidacy didn't use the normal platitudes. Instead he launched into a racist attack on Mexicans who come to the U.S.   Donald Trump, the Republican party and its hard core aupporters are racists.  People who live in abject fear of the other and any kind of change.  Especially that which leads to the empowerment of minorities.  For Donald Trump and his sycphants its all about white privilege.

       Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Thursday afternoon that President Donald Trump will sign a government spending package that resulted from bipartisan negotiations over border security and also will declare a national emergency, which Trump has intended to use to obtain more money for his proposed wall.
"I just had an opportunity to speak with President Trump and he’s prepared to sign the bill," McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor. "He will also be signing a national emergency declaration at the same time."
After the Senate votes, the House is also expected to pass the spending package.

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