Saturday, June 16, 2018

Tony Schwartz: Trump Would Murder As Many Of His Enemies As Kim Jung-un If He Could

Tony Schwartz appeared on AM Joy to speak in stark terms about what we're facing should we allow Trump's power to go further unchecked. Joy Reid asked him about his impressions of Trump from writing "The Art of the Deal," and how that informs his conclusions regarding Trump's behavior as president.
Completely consistent with everything Schwartz learned from his experience, and what he sees and hears now coming out of this administration, his assessment is dire. Trump's behavior is deranged, sociopathic in the extreme, and cruel in a way that feeds his affinity with the dictators he so admires.
SCHWARTZ: If Trump had the power that Kim Jong-un does, the kind of authoritarian power, and the lack of consequence if he, quote, breaks the law -- I believe, and this is going to be very extreme. I believe that Trump would be murdering as many enemies as Kim Jong-un does.

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