Sunday, August 21, 2016

Facebook vs ad blockers: It's all about the money

What does the Facebook - ad blocker battle mean for news outlets? Plus, we take a look at Globo, Brazil's media giant.

Why is Facebook on warring terms with ad blockers? And how will this evolving relationship manifest for the user? Plus, an inside look at Brazil's media giant Globo.

Facebook vs ad blockers: It's all about the money

Facebook has declared war against ad blockers and says protecting revenues for media outlets was a key motivating factor. We take a look at what the Facebook vs ad blocker battle means for users, publishers and for Facebook's own business model.

Talking us through the story are: Ben Williams, PR manager, Adblock Plus; Justin Schlosberg, lecturer in journalism and media at Birkbeck University; Lara O'Reilly, senior editor at Business Insider; Raghav Bahl, founder of Quintillion Media.

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