Friday, August 12, 2016

President Obama Is The Founder Of ISIS Who Knew? (video)

Donald Trump the Republican candidate has gone beyond the pale with his assertions that President Obama founded ISIS. This all harkens back to a negotiated agreement reached during the last few months of the George W. Bush administration. But, there's even a more shocking reason for his comments. Conservatives in America view President Obama is foreign, a secret muslim, foreign born and a terrorist sympathiser.

CHRIS HAYES (HOST): Donald Trump is clearly pretty proud of this line, a line that is obviously patently and viciously untrue. But it’s more than sloppy wording, I think, or rhetorical flourish, it is part of a long case conservatives, and Donald Trump in particular have been building, that Barack Obama is not just a president they disagree with, he is fundamentally foreign. He is an other, possibly aligned with the enemies of the United States. Remember first there was birtherism, Donald Trump was eager to jump into the league.


There were suggestions President Obama, labeling him the apologizer in chief, wants to deliberately diminish America's power on the world stage. Here's just one example, Marco Rubio repeatedly in the Republican primary.


Trump’s political ascendency during the primary season brought back to the far more blunt suggestions of President Obama's true allegiance, something Donald Trump discussed just one day after the Orlando mass shooting.


DONALD TRUMP: We’re led by a man that either, is not tough, not smart, or has got something else in mind and the something else in mind, people can't believe it. People, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can't even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism. There's something going on.


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