Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Donald Trump Running To Fail

In an effort to continue his supersonic flight towards abject failure Donald Trump has now hired his third campaign manager in less than three months.  Given that he's so "great", has the "best brain," and a prefect sense of failure one shouldn't be surprised at these turn of events.   The person hired to right the SS Sinking Trump is Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen Bannon.  Breitbart News is an institution where truth is avoided and sycophantic praise of The Great Orange Cheetos God is all consuming.

Even though he is supposedly running for President of the United States one has to question if isn't really campaigning to be a fraternity president or the head of the John Birch Society.

     Bannon has reportedly been counseling the candidate to “run more fully” as an “unabashed nationalist.” His ascension should permanently end the media’s fixation with a potential Trump pivot.
From The Wall Street Journal, which broke the news of Bannon’s hiring:
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is bringing two new managers to the top of his campaign in a bid to recover ground he has lost in recent weeks.Stephen Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, an outspoken Trump supporter and a former Goldman Sachs banker, will assume the new position of campaign chief executive. At the same time, Mr. Trump also is promoting Kellyanne Conway, a veteran GOP pollster and strategist, to become campaign manager. Ms. Conway has been a campaign adviser for several weeks.

Pollster Kellyanne Conway becomes campaign manager and Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News the CEO. Paul Manafort remains campaign chairman, but analysts say he has effectively been demoted.
Mr Trump told AP the new leaders were "terrific people... they're champs".
Mr Trump has seen his poll ratings slip since the party conventions last month.
He trails Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton both nationally and in key battleground states.

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