Saturday, March 28, 2020

Donald Trump Is Really Trying To Kill People Because He's So Immature

A leader doesn't have to be perfect nor are they excepted to be yet you except them at times of national crisis to show empathy and concern for those effected by whatever calamity has befallen them.  Normal leaders would do that just not Donald Trump.  In his world if you're not showing complete fealty, utter loyalty and willing to fall on your sword for him you"re of no use to him. 

On Thursday on Sean Hannity's Fox News show he, Donald Trump the perpetual victim complained about Governor's Jay Inslee and Gretchen Whitmer of Washington and Michigan treatment of him. As they had the temerity to question his leadership thus far during the coronavirus pandemic.  He told Vice President Mike Pence not to call Gov. Inslee but that isn't the worst of it.

He has done this:

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Says Medical Vendors Told Not To 'Send Stuff' To Michigan

PresidenDonald Trump’s latest target, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, told a radio station Friday that medical supply vendors informed her they’ve been told “not to send stuff” to her state amid the battle against COVID-19.
Whitmer, a Democrat, didn’t say if the orders were coming from the White House or if vendors may have been intimidated by Trump’s feud with the governor. But she did appear to link the problem to the president because she told WWJ-AM in Detroit that she tried Thursday night to call the White House to discuss the issue.
She couldn’t get through to Trump, who was at the time trashing Whitmer — whom he referred to as “that young ... woman governor from Michigan” — to Sean Hannity on Fox News. “We don’t like to see the complaints,” Trump said in a phone interview.

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