Friday, March 20, 2020

Donald Trump's Time In Office Have Brought A 55% Increase In Hate Groups

Yes. I know you're nor surprised given from the start of  his political carrier Donald Trump has lived off of racist tropes. Look at who some of his advisers were: Steve Bannon  a known white nationalist who once ran Breitbart.  One of the books that has informed his opinions is Camp Of The Saints a racist nationalist book published in France in the early 1970's.

Sebastian Gorka another former Trump adviser who virulently anti-immigrant.  Gorka has ties to Hungarian group which has ties to the Nazis of World War II and Neo-Nazi groups in Europe and America. Sebastian Gorka is a religious bigot with his continued and founded attacks on Islam and Muslims. 

Sebastian Gorka and Steve Bannon have left the White House Stephen Miller an anti immigrant adviser remains as can be seen in the immigration policies enacted by the Trump administration. The travel ban, increased immigration enforcement and the child separation policies implemented at the U.S. southern border.

 These actions have given white nationalists the green light to promote their hatred and bigotry.     

Southern Poverty Law Center warns of growing movement driven by ‘fear of demographic change’

White nationalist hate groups in the US have increased 55% throughout the Trump era, according to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and a “surging” racist movement continues to be driven by “a deep fear of demographic change”.
Nationally, there were 155 such groups counted last year, and they were present in most states. These groups were counted separately from Ku Klux Klan groups, racist skinheads, Christian Identity groups, and neo-Confederate groups, all of which also express some version of white supremacist beliefs.
Since the turn of the millennium, the report says, “American racists have fretted over what they fear will be the loss of their place of dominance in society” as its racial composition changes.
The report notes that the perpetrator of a massacre on 3 August 2019 in El Paso, Texas, where 26 were killed, and another man who attacked a synagogue in Poway, California, killing one woman and wounding three more, claimed to be motivated by the idea that white people were being replaced.

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