Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Donald Trump Wants Country Open By Easter Everybody Dead By May

Having an immature, ego maniac and scientifically illiterate leader isn't helping Americans or anyone else.   Donald Trump's fixation on the stock market injunction with his reelection will, because he's completely narcissistic lead to thousands of deaths if he proceeds with forcing the removal of restrictions placed on the citizens of almost 30 states in an attempt to slow the spread of covid19.

Public health experts have said easing restrictions too early could put an enormous strain on hospitals and lead to even more deaths and economic damage.

Donald Trump doesn't believe these experts or trust them.  He thinks his rather large gut has all the answers. They're wrong answers but that's immaterial as his gut is the expert.

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he wants to have the country getting back to business by the Easter holiday, April 12, even as the coronavirus pandemic continues to worsen.
“I would love to have the country opened up and raring to go by Easter,” Trump said during a Fox News interview.
Public health experts and local and state leaders have cautioned against easing restrictions too early, saying it could put an enormous strain on hospitals and lead to even more deaths and economic damage. But Trump said Tuesday that he believed the human toll would be greater should Americans continue to stay at home.
"This cure is worse than the problem," Trump said, adding that "in my opinion, more people are going to die if we allow this to continue."
Yes, more people will die because of your stupidity, ego and narcissism. 

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