Sunday, March 29, 2020

Mike Huckabee The Paranoia Is Strong In This One

Many rightwing adherents have come to view the coronavirus or covid19 outbreak and pandemic with a lot suspicion and paranoia thanks to Donald Trump diminishing the severity of the crisis and rightwing media telling their listeners, readers and viewers that it's all hoax.  Or that it was a biological weapon created in China with funding from the Democratic party.  This is how far into denial these people are.  Remember these are the same people who believed there was a child sex ring being run by Bill and Hilary Clinton at Comet Ping Pong a pizzeria in suburban Washington D.C., after the Sandyhook school shooting that those who died (using their term) were crisis actors and that it was a false flag operation created by the Obama administration to take away their guns and the flu and covid19 were the same type of virus. They are not.

Now former Arkansas governor and failed presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has wade into the stupid with his conspiracies and paranoia. In the excerpt below he implores mayors to direct their citizens to buy firearms. Why? Because all of your constitutional rights which haven't been taken away are being taken away.


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