Thursday, July 18, 2024

Six In The Morning Thursday 18 July 2024


Israeli lawmakers vote overwhelmingly against Palestinian statehood, challenging US policy

The Biden administration received another rebuff from Israel Wednesday night – this time from the country’s parliament – over the United States’ long-standing support for the eventual establishment of a Palestinian state.

two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been US policy for decades, but absent negotiations between the two sides, and a lack of sustained effort by the US to make it happen, means faith in such an outcome has dwindled. On Wednesday evening, the Israeli parliament made clear its position, voting by 68 to 9 to reject any creation of a Palestinian state.

“The Knesset of Israel firmly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan (river). The establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel would pose an existential danger to the State of Israel and its citizens, perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region,” the declaration read.

‘Garbage time of history’: Chinese state media pushes back on claims country has entered a new epoch

Authorities unhappy as Chinese chat groups and WeChat feeds buzz with discussion of whether China has entered period of inevitable failure

First, there was the century of humiliation, in which China was subjugated by western powers. Then there was the era of reform and opening up, where China’s rapid economic development paved the way for what was supposed to be the Chinese century. But now, according to social media users , China is in another epoch worth naming: the garbage time of history.

In recent weeks, Chinese chat groups and WeChat feeds have been buzzing with discussion of whether China has entered a period of economic stagnation or regression in which failure is all but inevitable, called a “garbage time of history”.

Bangladesh: Protesters set light to state broadcaster

Protesters have set fire to the headquarters of Bangladesh's main state broadcaster BTV with "many people" trapped inside, the network says. Students are demanding equal access to public sector jobs.

At least 19 people have died in clashes between students and police in Bangladesh on Thursday, with protesters attacking the head office of the country's state-run Bangladesh Television with many staff said to be trapped inside. 

Students have been protesting for weeks against a quota system for government jobs, but the violence has escalated dramatically in recent days.

Rwanda’s Kagame wins fourth term with 99.18% of the vote, provisional results show

With a 99.18% vote share in the 2024 presidential elections, according to full provisional results published Thursday, Rwanda's President Paul Kagame secured an even greater margin than in the last vote in 2017, which he swept with 98.79% of the vote. Kagame's latest election victory sees Rwanda's longstanding leader enter his fourth decade at the helm since he seized power as the head of a rebel group that ended the 1994 genocide. 

Rwanda's longtime President Paul Kagame has been re-elected with 99.18 percent of the vote following Monday's election, according to full provisional results published on Thursday.

Democratic Green Party leader Frank Habineza won just 0.5 percent while independent candidate Philippe Mpayimana received 0.32 percent, according to figures from the National Electoral Commission.

But the 66-year-old won by an even greater margin than the last presidential poll seven years ago, when he secured 98.79 percent.

Kyoto Animation marks 5 years since fatal arson attack

Kyoto Animation Co held a memorial on Thursday to honor the 36 victims of the 2019 arson attack on one of its facilities as the suspected culprit's trial continues at a high court after the defense appealed his death sentence.

The ceremony was held at the site in Kyoto's Fushimi Ward where the studio once stood, with the company urging fans to refrain from coming to the venue to keep the solemn event private.

There were 70 workers inside the company's No. 1 Studio when Shinji Aoba allegedly started the fire using gasoline on July 18, 2019. Aside from those killed, 32 others suffered injuries of various degrees.

Russia advances in Ukraine but suffers losses, rows with Western powers

Moscow was rushing reinforcements to Donetsk and Kharkiv after unexpectedly high losses for limited advances.

A war of words over Ukraine took centre-stage in the past week, as the European Union sought to bolster its defence readiness, NATO celebrated its 75th birthday and Russia issued threats and promises.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the European Parliament she would pursue a defence union if re-elected for another five years, which she ultimately was.

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