Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Six In The Morning Tuesday 9 July 2024


The secret hospitals offering criminals new faces

By Kelly Ng, BBC News

Clandestine hospitals in the Philippines have been offering plastic surgery services to fugitives and scam centre workers to help them evade arrest, authorities say.

Two such illegal hospitals could be shut down "in the coming weeks" after police raided the first one in Manila's southern suburbs in May, a police spokesman told the BBC.

Hair transplant tools, dental implants and skin whitening IV drips were seized from the hospital in Pasay City two months ago.

"You can create an entirely new person out of those," said Winston John Casio, a spokesman for the Presidential Anti-Organised Crime Commission (PAOCC).

Modi and Putin cement ‘bonds of friendship’ despite Ukraine tensions

Indian prime minister travelled to Moscow for two-day summit and ‘chit-chat’ amid diplomatic complexities

As India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, landed in Moscow on Monday, it was straight into the warm embrace of Vladimir Putin. Modi said the visit – his first since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine – was to cement the “bonds of friendship” between the two countries, and later effusively described Russia as India’s “all-weather friend and trusted ally”.

The India-Russia relationship runs deep, dating back to the cold war, and Russia has long been the largest supplier of arms to India. Since he was elected in 2014, Modi has built up a much-publicised rapport with Putin, the two leaders having had more than 20 meetings.

French prosecutors probe Le Pen over 2022 campaign financing

Far-right leader Le Pen faces charges of embezzling EU funds during her 2022 presidential election campaign against Emmanuel Macron. She will stand trial this September.

French authorities have suspected far-right French leader Marine Le Pen's of illicitly financing her campaign during the 2022 presidential election. The Paris prosecutor's office announced on Tuesday that they opened a preliminary investigation last week

There was no immediate comment by Le Pen on the announcement.

It comes a month after a court fined Le Pen's party €250,000 over excessive invoices for campaign material for candidates in the 2012 National Assembly elections.

Climate media awards highlight injustice and accountability

Exposing universities that use stolen Indigenous land to boost oil production and turning a daily TV weather forecast into a climate update were among the standout work celebrated at the annual Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards unveiled Tuesday.

The successful entries were hailed by CCNow director Mark Hertsgaard for "setting the tone for what it means to be a climate journalist" and providing "a service to the public and a challenge to journalists everywhere."

Tristan Ahtone, an editor-at-large for Grist, was honored for leading an investigation revealing how land-grant universities in the United States use stolen Indigenous land for oil and gas production.

Foreign teachers say sexual harassment rampant online


July 9, 2024 at 18:02 JST

Foreign teachers working for online English conversation schools say sexual harassment is rampant and that older male Japanese students are mainly to blame.

A 24-year-old Filipina said she received unwelcome comments and sexual suggestions based on her looks on more than 10 occasions in three years.

All the perpetrators were Japanese, mostly men in their 40s to 60s, although some were in their 20s.

In Paris, joy and creeping fears after French far right’s fall from grace

Le Pen’s National Rally movement dropped from first to third place in an election week, but its relative rise remains a worry.

Of course, we went to vote for Melenchon,” says Houcine, a 49-year-old butcher of Moroccan descent in Belleville, a diverse Parisian neighbourhood.

“On Sunday, I went to the polling station again, but it was closed. A woman explained to me that the left candidate had already won and been elected deputy after the first round. I didn’t even know,” he adds with a smile that lights up his face.

Jean-Luc Melenchon is the 72-year-old veteran socialist heading up the New Popular Front (NFP), a left-wing alliance that secured most seats in the second round of recent parliamentary elections, crucially stopping the far right from seizing power.

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