Sunday, July 28, 2024

The US liberal media machine rallies around Kamala

Washington has never seen a week quite like it. On Sunday, President Joe Biden took himself out of the presidential race. By Tuesday, his vice president, Kamala Harris, had picked up the torch and was on the campaign trail.

The pace at which this story has unfolded across the US media has left liberal commentators gasping for air. They quickly dispensed with their criticism of Biden for selfishly clinging to power and started eulogising him for his selfless change of heart. What is next now that Harris is the presumptive nominee?

The final segment is an interview with Cenk Uygur founder of the Young Turks (TYT) on YouTube.  Even though he was ineligible to run, Cenk Uygur  launched a campaign to be President of the U.S.  Scamming his TYT followers out of thousands of dollars. Cenk Uygur claims he's a progressive. He isn't he's just a some what moderate Republican. 

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