Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Truly Awful Legacy Of George W. Bush

George W. Bush was handed the Presidency of the United States not by official ballots cast during the election of November 2000, but by a 5-4 vote of the United States Supreme Court halting the counting of votes in the state of Florida. Unbeknownst to the world a large that decision would lead to George Bush’s bring great harm not only to the United States but large portions of Asia and the Middle East. One month after the September 11 attacks American began its war in Afghanistan within in 4 weeks the Taliban rule of that country had come to an end and the remnants of Al Qaida were trapped in the Tora-Bora region of Afghanistan. Incredibly most the fighters who had been completely surrounded by an overwhelmingly superior military force escaped into Pakistan allowing both groups to survive and continue to fight and terrorize the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan. With the vanishing act of America’s enemies complete George Bush and his advisors promptly forgot about the war in Afghanistan and its pursuit of Osama Bin Ladin. During a White House correspondents dinner in March of 2004 he did a comedy routine about the search for Bin Ladin.
Iraq was the real objective of George W. Bush and the Neo-Cons he embraced. Who believed in the Project For A New American Century, which catered to their belief in American Exceptionalism and its power to reshape the world?
Americas invasion of Iraq led to an untold number of Iraqi civilian deaths: the numbers range from the American estimate of just over 60,000 to UN and NGO estimates of somewhere near 500,000. More than 4,000 American military deaths, torture of innocent Iraqi citizens, indefinite confinement without charge or trail, renditions of those suspected of being terrorists (kidnapping), secret prisons, the destruction of Iraq’s economy, civil war in Iraq and all for the oil its wealth which western oil corporations hoped to have complete control over following Americas unwarranted invasion of Iraq.

What a wonderful legacy the United States Supreme Court and George W. Bush have left the world one in which freedoms once enjoyed by its many citizens have been taken after the passage of draconian anti-terrorist laws.

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